Concerning Ukraine...

Вогнеслово / Vohneslovo is a combination of two Ukrainian words, вогонь = fire and слово = word. We, a team of like-minded people, understand this expression in the sense of "flaming" or "fiery word", that is pure and passionate..., a word of love for our Motherland and our people. But if you read the same in Russian, then you get "a word in fire", and that describes well where we are now, in fierce struggle, in the fire of not only the War of Liberation, but also of cruel condemnation, or of indifference, prejudice against us of that part of the world that believes the systematic Russian propaganda, outright lies about us, Ukrainians, about our country, our language, history, culture. The Russian Federation, and before that the Russian and Soviet empires, lied and lie about Ukraine for hundreds of years, and it is incredibly difficult to refute and reverse the consequences of this total lie. Sometimes it even feels that it is impossible.

However, we still must join our efforts and try to sow the seeds of truth and understanding around the world. We have a great hope that our voices will be heard. Voices not of politicians, nor of professional journalists, but of ordinary, common folk who have something to say. And not only about the war — actually, mostly not about it at all. But about us, about our life, about the beauty of our land and our customs, about simple things like our ancestors, our families, about our favorite holidays and tasty food.

And that is why we decided to start this project. We invite to participate in it not only Ukrainians, but all those who sympathize with the Ukrainian people in their anti-colonial liberation struggle against Putin's beastly Russian horde. And who has something to say concerning Ukraine.

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